News and Events

BNI 212’s Musical Countdown of Goals


Originally submitted by Soteria Mallard of BNI 212 and Tom Fleming of the West Central Florida Area 

BNI is known to have members who love to make a dramatic splash during their weekly presentation. It’s a staple of the organization. But when a chapter does it as a whole, that’s taking it to a new level!

That happened recently in the West Central Florida area, as Chapter BNI 212 of Gainesville, Fl wanted to find a creative way to introduce their goals over the next six months. Instead of a simple list of objectives, the Chapter had their members come on stage and speak to their Success Drivers through song. As a way to add even more flair to this rollout, they incorporated the popular American and internationally syndicated‚ American Top 40, as the theme. They even had a special guest come on stage to play former host, Casy Kasem.

As they counted down their Success Drivers through song, those presenting #1 blew everyone away. As the chapter regularly meets at a venue in a place called Haile Village, they appropriately dressed as the Village People, came on stage and danced to YMCA. Not the original song however, this was a special rendition produced by a number of BNI 212’s members.

Take a listen for yourself:

This is a perfect example of taking something familiar, and using it to represent BNI in a fun and relatable manner. Hats off to BNI 212 for their creativity and willingness to be so invested in actualizing their goals!

Special recognition to the talented members of BNI 212 who were involved with this production. This goes to show the power of teamwork.

Coordintor: Soteria Mallard

Vocals: Charlie Delatorre and Chris Floyd

Lyrics: Tammi Wait, Amber Miller, Chancey Padgett and Chris Floyd

Production: Chris Floyd

Graphics: April Schroeder

Stage Characters/Presenters: Kristin Kozelsky, Stephanie Hall, Tammi Wait & Eric Vallerand

Village People: Mike Davis (the Cop), Daniel Schmidt (the Indian), Charlie Delatorre (the Cowboy), Chancey Padgett (the Construction Worker), Brian Livinston (Military) and Chris Rios (the Biker)

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