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MY BNI Story

Local Businesses in Soshanguve, South Africa Bike to Raise Money


Submitted by Karin Metz, Executive Director in Tschwane Region, South Africa

On Sunday morning, 21 May 2017, businesses from the BNI Pinnacle Chapter joined forces to create an event that would be remembered for a long time. Well, at least for two adventurous and enthusiastic cyclers as well as the Nomangezi Day Care Centre. As a fundraising project for the Day Care Centre Christiaan Jansen, current President of the BNI Pinnacle Chapter in Tshwane, together with a close friend, Jacques du Toit, decided to engage on a courageous bicycle journey of 1809km to Cape Town.

As a Social Responsibility and Development project and through the dedication and initiative of Ian van Niekerk from Skitterblink Cleaning Services and a member of BNI Pinnacle, this idea all started in November 2016. The Pinnacle Chapter decided to adopt and support the Nomangezi Day Care Centre in March 2017, managed by Mrs Thandi Mamphangindawo and her mother, Iris. A Fun Walk was held to raise funds for the day care centre, with a positive outcome of nearly R5000.

Many of the BNI Pinnacle members visited the small day care centre in Block Y, Soshanguve, during the Fun Walk event, and realized much more funds were needed for bare necessities. And the idea of a cycle tour was born in Christiaan. Christiaan and Jacques’s aim is to raise funds for this project through per kilometre sponsorships from businesses and individuals. Sponsorships of anything from 10 cents to R10 per kilometre are welcome. On the kick-off date they already had sponsors to the value of R6.00 per kilometre secured.

As members of BNI Pinnacle, we challenge other BNI members to become involved by sponsoring the cycling fund raiser, either as an individual business or as a combined Chapter. The money will be managed by the Pinnacle Chapter and be used for flooring, curtains, educational materials, furniture, healthy food and allowances for the volunteer day care helpers.

We wish Christiaan and Jacques the best of luck on their 15 day journey, at an average of 120km per day, to reach Cape Town on the 4th of June. They will have to endure and withstand many physical obstacles. This is a true and real-life example of ‘giver’s gain’ – giving a lot physically, to gain for the Nomangezi Day Care Centre.

“It’s the commitment our members have to give back to society that makes BNI one of the most successful networking organizations in the world. The fact that so many businesses in our society contributes and having fun while doing it, demonstrates that we are a society that still cares,” says Christine Malherbe, member of BNI Pinnacle. “It is initiatives like this that underline the core value of BNI – highlighting the principle of ‘givers gain’”.
If you which to learn more or to make a contribution, please contact Ian van Niekerk on 0828511546 or manager@skitterblink.co.za

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