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Networking Tips

Growing Your Referrals through One-to-Ones


Submitted by Roger Schmidt, Roger’s Relaxing Massage Therapy, Middlebury BNIBNI Vermont  

Is there a correct number of One-to-Ones you should have per week to find success in networking?  I’m sure we all have our own opinions and perspectives about the answer to this question, and allow me to share with you mine.  My experiences with One-to-Ones have been great.  Fifty percent of One-to-Ones I have had with new people have led to booked appointments with me within one week.  Another 15 percent of first time One-to-Ones have booked an appointment with me within three weeks. This makes sense because a One-to-One allows another person to learn the details of what my services are and how it can help them personally.

Speaking of, would anyone like to have a One-to-One?

BNI® suggests at least one One-to-One per week, and in order to simply maintain your current relationship with someone, BNI suggests a One-to-One with them at least once every 6 months.  For me, belonging to a chapter of 20 members, it would take me 20 weeks to have a One-to-One with every member.  However, if I want to grow my relationships with those in my chapter, not just maintain them, this means that more One-to-One’s are in order.

The types of referral giver you are is directly impacted by how many One-to-Ones you regularly have.

Advocators are approximately 90 percent of a network, and you should have a One-to-One with them at least twice a year. These people will say good things about you when a referral “falls in their lap.”

Promoters are approximately 8 percent of a network, and every 2 to 4 months you should have a One-to-One with them. They who will listen to whomever they are talking with and recognize key words that relate to your business, thereby getting you a referral.

Finally, Creators are approximately 2 percent, at most, of a network, and every 30 to 45 days you should have a One-to-One with them. They will actively engage the people they are talking with to find a referral out of thin air on behalf of your business

What type of referral giver are you?

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