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The BNI® Foundation

Are we making a difference? YES, we are!


Submitted by David Kauffman Vice Chair BNI Foundation, Managing Director BNI Delaware Valley Regions

I am often asked, where does the money go and is it really helping?

We would like to inform you that with the support of the BNI Global Team we are able to use 100% of all money raised or donated to help in your local communities. How many foundations can make that statement?!

Yes, every dollar you contribute helps children in need across the globe!

We are now accepting grants applications all year long through the link found on our website BNIFoundation.org. The grants will be reviewed each month and those that meet the criteria will be forwarded to our board. The approved grants will be disbursed every other month. Our Board of Directors just met to review the application for Givers Gain Grants® and approved a number of them.

Some of the grants awarded this month went to a number of great organizations. Building Blocks Bangalore will receive money to keep 5 students in school for the next 2 years. I would also like to thank BNI Bangalore for matching our donation. Lend a Hand Uganda-USA will receive money to support their efforts to feed local children in two villages so that they have the nutrition they desperately need to maintain their concentration and ability to improve their learning. Mentor Stiftung – Mentoring Konstanz & Youth Summit (Sweden) has been given a grant to continue their work with 13 to 17-year-old students. These students will meet with mentors some being BNI members who do group mentoring, will empower their self-esteem and assist with parental coaching, and of course individual mentoring.

If you have contact with an organization or individual supporting children, please forward our grant information to them.

Another common question, what do our Business Voices teams do?

You can find a variety of project ideas in our Business Voices toolkit that also walks you through the steps of setting up a Business Voices team. Some Business Voices teams partner with other organizations. The members of BNI Commonwealth in Louisa, KY teamed up with The Kentucky Credit Union League Ashland Chapter to build beds for those in need for their annual Build-a-Bed project. Another project saw BNI Manhattan joining Operation Backpack for their annual fundraiser that provides as many as 18,000 back to school backpacks to homeless children in New York. Meanwhile, The BNI Foundation Global Support Team has had a number of successful projects with its sponsored school, Ashley Park Elementary, providing the students with book bags and clothing throughout the year. Members even raised money to hire a coffee truck to go to the school and provide specialty coffee drinks for teacher appreciation.

How can I donate?

We provide a number of donation options including
one-time donations, recurring donations and legacy donations. Visit the
donation page of our website to learn more.

How can I start a Business Voices team?

first steps in starting a Business Voices team are completing the activation
process, selecting a Community Outreach Champion and selecting a school or
educational organization to work with. Our
website has everything you need, including a toolkit with information,
resources, project ideas and a colorful
infographic that outlines the entire process. We look forward to working with
you and bringing the BNI Foundation to your community.

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