There is no question about it, philanthropy helps build stronger relationships with customers. Consumers today want to give their business to companies that work toward something more than the bottom line, and try to make the world a better place. Furthermore, the younger the consumer, the stronger the conviction. A 2016 study by online survey and market research company Morning Consult revealed that two-thirds of Millennials think it matters if a company gives back to its community. That is compared to less than half of Gen X’ers and Baby Boomers.
Furthermore, business philanthropy promotes employee engagement. Another study of 357,000 people early this year – this one by consulting firm Great Places to Work and published by Fortune magazine – found that employees who experience a positive charitable experience through their work are more likely to view their teams as willing to give extra effort at work, more likely to develop as brand ambassadors and want to stay at their companies longer. The boost to morale is unequaled.
So what are you waiting for? The BNI Foundation affords BNI members and directors an excellent opportunity to mobilize their employees to do good in their own communities. Helping schools, educational organizations and the students that attend them will unite your team in a common purpose and foster chapter and company loyalty. It is easy to get started. Everything you need is in the Business Voices toolkit. Learn how to start a team, pick an organization and begin helping them through supply drives, career fairs, mentoring and more. The toolkit also includes plenty of charitable project ideas.
There is no better time to start making a difference in your community! Back to school time is right around the corner and the Business Voices toolkit includes ideas to organize back to school supply drives. Get your Business Voices team started now and organize a supply drive before the start of school
Philanthropy is good for the world and your business. For more information on the BNI Foundation and the Business Voices initiative, please visit