Christy Standen

Christy Standen

Thryv Australia

90% of my business comes from BNI. I would recommend it to friends who want to grow their business and need support.

BNI has helped professionally as I can now feel more confidence in talking to people I don’t know. It has given me more confidence with talking to people in groups and also new people I haven’t met before. 90% of my business comes from BNI. I would recommend BNI to friends who want to grow their business and need support.

BNI has helped professionally as I can now feel more confidence in talking to people I don’t know. It has given me more confidence with talking to people in groups and also new people I haven’t met before. 90% of my business comes from BNI. I would recommend BNI to friends who want to grow their business and need support.

Christy Standen

Thryv Australia