Trusted by thousands of business owners
Givna referenser$90.9M+
I omsättningMy BNI meetings are my weekly caffeine!
Lynne DamianosDamianos Photography
BNI är den största och mest framgångsrika företagsnätverksorganisationen i världen, och hjälper entreprenörer i 76 länder att skapa tillväxt i sin verksamhet. Nu kan du bli en del!
Disclaimer: This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data as of August 5, 2024, and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide over the last 12 months. Errors in self-reporting of data or in subsequent analysis are possible. Therefore, the information herein should only be viewed as representative in nature.
Our Leadership
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Bli inbjuden till ett BNI-möte och upplev kraften i referenser och professionellt affärsnätverkande.
Bli inbjudenJoining BNI Crossroads has been transformational for our business, leading to immense growth in both sales and new clients. We have seen double-digit growth every year and, despite the pandemic, have grown four-fold since I joined BNI back in 2018.
Paul Richardson,
StoryWorkz (Photography/Videography)
We have a Givers Gain® mentality that helps each BNI Member. If you are willing to help and gain trust, eventually they will help you.
Scott Ingles,
Alphagraphics Layton
BNI has helped me network with many business professionals all across the U.S., which is where I have found the most value.
Eric Williams Jr.,
The Solar Soldier/Powur
Within the first 3 months of being a BNI Member, the referrals I received paid for my annual membership fee. For the past 11 months I have received almost $8,000 in business from this amazing team.
Tammy Samuel,
Shine Bright Chem Dry
BNI is a great way to have a broad network of trusted service providers that I can recommend to my customers when they have a need.
Ken Moldenhauer,
CertaPro Painters
BNI's "Givers Gain" Philosophy Transformed My Professional and Personal Life
Crystal Garcia,
Business Development