Start a BNI Chapter

As well as the opportunity to become a BNI Member of an existing BNI Chapter, some people work with the BNI regional team to start BNI Chapters. There may not be a local BNI Chapter near you or your business category may already be represented in BNI Chapters locally, the process is easy and the BNI regional team are there to help you every step of the way.

Contact your Local BNI Team

Your local BNI Team will be able to help you get involved in starting a BNI Chapter and talk you through the options locally. They will be able to introduce you to other business owners who started BNI Chapters and meet the team who would guide you through the process of starting a chapter. Just fill out the form below to get stated.

Interest Meetings

The BNI regional teams often have lots of interest from local business owners about starting BNI Chapters and frequently run interest meetings to connect these businesses and talk through the steps of starting a BNI Chapter.

Visiting a BNI Chapter

As part of the steps to starting a chapter a group of interested business owners from the Interest meetings will often visit a BNI Chapter together to see how existing BNI Chapters are run and how successful they are for helping members to grow their businesses. You will get the chance to connect with existing BNI Members and they will share their experiences with you about BNI.

Core Group

The Local BNI team may have already started a new BNI Chapter and you can join them when they are having interest meetings or when they move to a “Core Group”, this is when the group are having regular meetings and taking the steps to move towards a BNI Chapter. The local BNI team are there to meet everyone and guide them towards successfully starting the BNI Chapter.