One of the questions I am often asked is: “Are weekly chapter meetings really necessary?” Meeting every week is a serious commitment, and I get it—some people aren’t thrilled about showing up week in and week out for their business networking meeting.
In 1986, I decided to experiment with this and launched seven BNI chapters that met only twice a month. It was an interesting idea, but over time, I saw a clear pattern: these groups passed 52% fewer referrals than the ones that were meeting weekly. While I was disappointed, I wasn’t exactly surprised.
So, I made a point of visiting each of those twice-a-month groups individually and asked them, “If I could show you one simple change that would double the number of referrals you are getting, would you do it?” They all said yes—of course! And what was the change I suggested? “Meet every week.” I showed them the data, and six out of the seven chapters decided to make the switch. The one group that didn’t? It ended up closing within a year. By 1987, every BNI group was meeting weekly.
I have shared this story many times over the years, and you can even find it in Givers Gain: The BNI Story. What I haven’t really talked about is why I believe the weekly meetings generated double the results compared to the groups that met twice a month. reflected on this, and here are the reasons I think meeting weekly is such a game-changer:
All of these reasons lead to more business—plain and simple. The data has shown, time and again, that there is a direct, dramatic correlation between attending BNI meetings regularly and generating more referrals (and a lot more business).
I have said for many years that if you want to be successful in business, you need to focus on doing six things a thousand times, not a thousand things six times. Meeting every week to hone your networking skills is a perfect example of this principle. Consistently referring your fellow members to people you know and practicing the art of networking leads to lifelong relationships and a steady stream of referrals.
BNI’s Executive Chairman and former CEO, Graham Weihmiller, has a great analogy for this—he likes to say that BNI is the CrossFit of networking. I couldn’t agree more!
So, think of your weekly BNI meeting as your networking workout. Commit to it, and you’ll see the results.